Friday, 10 June 2011

Dear South West Trains -

I do understand that you run a large and complex rail network and that everything cannot go to plan all of the time. Thus, when my train was 45 minutes late yesterday, I did not get too worked up. I had a book, a magazine, and two puzzle books (can you tell this happens a fair bit?) and was in for the long haul as I had to get to my destination at some point.

When it finally arrived and I squeezed on to the sardine can, my placid acceptance descended into wild dinosaur rage when I was treated to repeated announcements apologizing for the late running of my service... due to debris on the line. I spent my 25 minutes on the train fuming that some discarded crisp packets were impeding my journey.

Then I finally arrived at my destination and met the person I was due to meet, who had also been late thanks to South West Trains delays. Except on her train, she was informed that it was due to a person hit by a train. My rage at inefficiency dissolved into a feeling of sickness.

SWT, do you really feel that an appropriate way to deal with the death of a human being is to refer to them as "debris"?

No love,

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